Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mercy Thompson

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Why I love, love, love this series!

If there is one character that I absolutely love and try to keep up with it is Mercy Thompson! I have read 8 books and a few short stories and I still can't get enough.  There a few supporting characters that I absolutely love but Mercy is just my go to heroine.

One of the things I love about her is she is a strong woman but not actually fearless. Sometimes heroines seem to have no fear even when they are diving into a situation that could easily end their lives or they never have side effects from all the horrible things that happen to them. To keep a series going you have to eventually start to include the mental stress of being in life threatening situations day in and day out. Patricia Briggs does it well and leaves me still in love with Mercy yet feeling her frustration.

Charlaine Harris also did this in the Sookie Stackhouse novels but I found in the last few books I no longer liked Sookie. I felt like she became a total bitch by the end of the series. I am sure I would be too if all that crap happened to me so yes it is realistic but this is fiction and I kind of wanted her to keep some of what made her Sookie. She was so sweet and kind in the beginning and I felt like it was all gone by the end. I don't read fiction to get the warm fuzzies but I also don't read it to be slapped in the face with reality. It is rather contradictory I know but I think the key for me at least is keeping some parts of what made you love the character in the first place.

If you know very little of the Mercy Thompson series I do have quite a few reviews on this site this link will get you to my Patricia Briggs reviews. Mercy is a mechanic and a coyote who can't seem to stay out of trouble. She grew up with a pack of werewolves but her origins are a mystery for quite some time. She can seamlessly shift from human to coyote while her werewolf family  and friends shift with a great deal of pain. She is naturally curious she finds herself in all kinds of mischief with all kinds of magical creatures.

Then there are the men in her life! Who could not enjoy the crazy and humorous interactions between Mercy and all the men....or should I say beasts lined up for a little bit of Mercy Thompson. I recall at least a Vampire and a more than a few dominant wolves and maybe a fey or two vying for her attention.

If you love a supernatural story with a great fun female lead character the Mercy Thompson series is for you. I tend to love the stories with many supernatural aspects as they keep you on your toes wondering if it is fey magic or vampires or .....something entirely unheard of causing trouble.

My plan when I get some free time is to attempt to separate the books in my head so I can give you a solid review of the books I have actually read and not reviewed but I can't seem to find a copy of some of them so it means they are on my old kindle that no longer works. So I will look into replacing them with a hard copy and maybe re-reading them all as time allows.

Stay tuned for a quick look into the amazing story of Kate Daniels my other favorite series. I hope I never have to choose between Mercy and Kate! I had a hard time choosing which one to talk about first on this blog because they are equal in my book! So different but so much of what I love!

If you have the time please visit my business website and blog as well www.fit-girl.com and as always thanks for reading!


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