Friday, June 11, 2010

My Sister Has Joined the Blogging Community!

>> Friday, June 11, 2010

I told here she would be an awesome blogger. She has a great personality .......sometimes over the top for me but I love here anyway. She is the mom of two awesome boys and has loads of fun experiences to share. She is full of humor and sarcasm and I am sure that helps her keep sane as an awesome single mom. Don't know how she does it but I am really proud of her.  The part my Dark Novels readers will be interested in is that she is an avid reader and she plans to review the books she is reading. She reads a lot of books similar to what I read so here is a taste of her first blog post.

Just two days ago I picked up the first book in Kelley's Otherworld series. I found it quite hard to put down, finishing the 436 pages in less than 48 hours.

I'm not great with compassion, I prefer a side of sarcasm. The main character Elena Michaels hands that to me on a silver platter. I do quite enjoy this characters personality. She is a strong woman with a lot of spunk! Along with the fact that she is the only female werewolf... which makes her extremely bad ass!

So please head over to Oh My Goddess, Are You Stalking Me and support my sister. 


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