Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Of Swine and Roses Kindle Edition

>> Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Of Swine and Roses is a short story by Ilona Andrews. It is the very first of the fiction I have read on my new Kindle. First I want to apologize to the author's because I have been spelling Ilona wrong for what must be years now. Later this week I will try to correct as many "Illona's" as I can. So sorry!

Next I want to tell you this short story was worth the small fee I paid for it. I have been enjoying my Kindle so much with the non-fiction I am reading I decided to look up anything by Ilona Andrews (this is how I realized that I was spelling the name wrong) that I did not have. I found  Curran: Volume I (Curran POV), which I have read but will probably ad it to my collection later. I also found Silent Blade,Of Swine and Roses and Under Her Skin. I bought the latter two. Before my Kindle arrived I bought Bayou Moon but I don't want to read that until I have hours to devote reading it.

Of Swine and Roses is just down right fun. A young girl gets suckered into going on a date with a young man she doesn't like because he is  from a "good" family. Through a series of epic date disasters she ends up chasing a pig and .....well you just have to read it to find out what is next.

The story isn't very long but you will enjoy every minute of it.


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