Sunday, January 31, 2010

Feeling Better

>> Sunday, January 31, 2010

Well I started yesterday off feeling better but my heater was broken and within a few hours I was feeling like my house was a sauna. We have had issues with it for a while but usually it will get stuck off and that is easier to handle for me. I am still not sure it is fixed but at least it is not 85 degrees in here anymore. I couldn't work out in the heat and I am not sure it is cooling off this morning I turned the heat down but it seems to keep getting warmer. I will make a call to my step-dad/landlord if it keeps getting hotter but before it hits the 80's again. I need to get some house work done too but the really awesome thing is that I have 4 books done and ready to review.

Thanks to my friend Kristin, that I met last semester in college I borrowed and read three more of the books in the Hollows series by Kim Harrison. I now have books 5-7 read and I have Celia's Puppies read too. I am also hoping that the new book by Kim Harrison due out on February 23 will be released on audio right away. I have been on the treadmill a lot and it is much easier to listen than to read on the treadmill. The Kim Harrison books have a lot of thought in them and the story line is still very interesting and I really like how the characters grow. I will have some reviews up soon.


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